Its beginning to look at a lot like Christmas! And because everyone is getting into the holiday spirit, there is no better way to celebrate than to dance! The holidays can be a stressful time for everyone and the sources of that stress can involve the pressure of finding the perfect gift, cooking, entertaining, family gatherings, bills and the list can go on. If you want to keep that holiday stress to a minimum and build up your holiday energy, then here are the top 5 reasons why you should get jiggy with it during the holidays.
1. Work off that Christmas feast.
It comes as no surprise that Christmas is a time to load up on the goods (goods obviously meaning food). You can smell freshly baked pie in the morning, you have hot chocolate for breakfast (never judging that life choice), and cookies are basically everywhere. It’s a grand old time to eat whatever you want whenever you want. But sometimes that extra cookie in the morning leads to an ever-so-slightly snug pair of jeans later on. One way to work off that extra snug weight is good old dancing. Wake up in the morning blast that Christmas playlist you have on your phone and get to shimmying, this might wake up the whole neighbourhood but at least you’re having fun and working off that figgy pudding.
Bonus tip: You can convince the rest of your family to dance with you during the holidays and you all stay fit during and after the holidays!
2. A great escape from all that stress!
The holidays are a stressful time; lots of shopping for the perfect gift, end of the year cramming for work or school, bills, and of course the cold weather (aka seasonal depression). All of those things can take a toll on you and you need to de-stress during these tough times. Dancing is a great way to shake of all that stress and just have fun. Being able to take a couple of hours either during the week or even just one hour a day to dance will help alleviate that stress and allow you to let loose and enjoy all the good things the holidays have to offer. If you are less stressed, then those around you will feed off that energy resulting in a crowd full of happy merry people during the holidays
3.Trying to impress your Mr. or Mrs. Clause
Trying to make the holidays a special one for your significant other this year? Dancing can be a great way to not only make your family and friends happy, but also make your spouse feel extra loved. You don’t have to do anything special, you can dance while baking together, dance while skating together (tread with caution, that can turn really messy really quickly), or even dance while getting ready in the morning. Dancing with your significant other will guarantee a smile both of your faces and will make you enjoy the holiday a little extra this year.
4. Start that New Year’s resolution early!
If your New Year’s restitution is to get fit, and/or take some time for yourself during the week for dance, why wait until January? Get dancing before the New Year so you can get into the habit of keeping it up in the new year. They say it takes 21 days to get into a habit and the holidays are a perfect way to start your dancing journey! Picture this: everyday you wake up and jam out to your holiday playlist while making breakfast. By the time Christmas day hits you’re already in the habit of dancing! Keep that energy up after the holidays and you are already a pro at your now new and healthy habit.
5.A gym membership is boring; Dance class is the new gym.
Getting into a habit of working out can be tough, especially after a month full or figgy pudding, eggnog and abundance of pies, cakes, cookies and candy canes. With that being said, getting into the habit of going to gym can be even worse. New Year’s resolutions are a time where everyone decides they want to be a better version of themselves and that is amazing, however, this can lead to an overcrowded gym, and not enough space to do your thing (not to mention it might not be the most fun for some people). Dance classes can be a great way to get fit, meet new people, and actually enjoy your time. Dance not only gets you into better shape but you are having fun while doing it, so much so you might not realize how long you’ve been working out. For New Year’s you might consider taking dance classes as an alternative to staying fit post-holiday fun.
Dancing is a perfect way to keep the holiday spirit up, enjoy the company of your friends, family and all that food while staying fit and active. So crank up that Mariah Carey Christmas playlist and get dancing! It’s also a great way to start your New Year’s resolution early. Be sure to join our next semester of dance classes for adult absolute beginners and beginners i . More info here! Happy Holidays!