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How to Maintain Dance as your #1 New Years Resolution

Writer's picture: STU Arts DanceSTU Arts Dance

Updated: May 16, 2021

Adult dance school Brussels Belgium

Hey there! Welcome to STU Arts Dance, if you are new here you may have clicked on to see how you can start and/or continue your dance journey. If you are a returning STU Arts Dance enthusiast, welcome back, we’re so excited that you have joined us this season! I’m just here to check in and make sure that you are following through with one of your AWESOME New Year’s Resolutions—Dancing. I understand that last year was an interesting year to say the least, but 2021 is a new year harbouring new opportunities and memories! If you are looking for some motivation to continue your dance journey, look no further! I’m here to offer some tips and tricks to keep your motivation up throughout your dance journey. ☺

1. Remember why you started in the first place.

Remembering why you started dancing in the first place is a great form of motivation to continue. Maybe you started dancing as a form of therapy during lockdown and you want to continue, maybe you started because you love music and want to explore how to express yourself through dance, or maybe you just want to relieve some stress and anxiety and have some fun! Regardless of why you started, you took the leap and acted on it and that is worth celebrating! Celebrate your goals and achievements by dancing, having fun and doing what you love: dancing!

2. Register for classes ahead of time.

One of the first steps you can take when starting your dancing journey is registering for classes. While it can be a bit scary at first, that first leap to register for a class will allow you to build up the courage to attend class later on. Once you’ve registered and attended your first class, register ahead of time that way you will be motivated to go to class and continue building confidence throughout your dancing! (It is also important because registering ahead of time will ensure you have a spot in class!) Need a little more motivation? A fun way to get into dancing is with your friends, so grab some of your best friends, register for classes together and enjoy some energy, dynamic movements and laughter!

Remember: Your happiest memories happen when you step outside of your comfort zone ☺

3. Take some time to dance it out every day.

Some days you may be more motivated to dance than other days, and that’s okay, it’s all about balance. However, if you feel like you are not dancing as often as you like, try implementing it throughout your regular routine. For example, you’re getting ready for work in the morning, while you’re getting dressed blast your favourite playlist and dance it out! I guarantee it will put a smile on your face and you’ll be in a better mood which will set you up for a great day at work! If you can’t dance in the morning, try dancing while you’re cooking dinner, cleaning the house, or simply relaxing on a Sunday afternoon. The best part of dance is that you can virtually do it anywhere!

Remember: Dancing every day for at least 15 minutes will keep your spirits up and therefore keep you motivated to have a wonderful rest of your day.

4. Self-Care: Dancing freely

Sometimes all you need is just a good jam out session in your room! I like to call it self-care. Spending some time by yourself for yourself is the best way to remind you why you love something in the first place. Dancing freely will allow you to remember why you got into dancing and therefore keep you motivated throughout your dance journey. Dancing freely allows you to do any moves you want, listen to any song you love and just let go. Don’t worry about the music, who is watching, or how long you have been dancing for; this time is for you and you alone. It’s a great way to release any stress, anxiety, or any worries you may have. This time is a great way to listen to yourself and see what you need all while keeping up with your dancing along the way.

Bonus points if you decide to create a little combo in your room for yourself, that way you can work on it anytime you want to destress later on!

5. Come join our STU Arts Dance Community.

What better motivation than to join the STU Arts Dance Community! Not only will you be joining one of the BEST dance communities ever, but you will also be able to make friends in and outside of class. While joining our dance community you will be able to stay motivated throughout the year to come to class, while also creating memories with some of the best people out there! When coming to class you will also be able to dance with your friends to some great choreography and have an absolute blast!

We hope this post will help you continue your New Year’s Resolution of dancing. While it may be scary sometimes and you might not want to continue, you started your resolution for a reason and you have come a long way! We believe that everyone can dance including you! So keep going, you got this, I believe in you and one day you will see just how far you have come! If you are interested in joining STU Arts Dance and what we have to offer, be sure to check out our classes here, we would love for you to join us.



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